
In my interpretation, "Connectedness" is the word encompassing all the information we hold about an image, a sound, a color, a scent, a place, a person... An emotional sense of preserved memory or rea
Fragments: Through my fingers
After successful exhibitions of her collage works, for the first time Antonia is embarking on an exploration of three-dimensional spatiality through the assemblage technique. She is inspired by the su
"Morphogenesis" (2022) is a captivating short non-narrative film directed by Bozhidar Savov, featuring an original soundtrack, composed and recorded by him. The film is a meditation on the questions o
IN THE MIRROR OF REMBRANDT 12 December 2023 – 15 February 2024 "In the Mirror of Rembrandt" is an interdisciplinary project initiated by the Center "Bulgarian-European Cultural Dialogues", Uni
The Beginning

Botch, Blotch, Splotch: CoBrA (1948 – 1951)
Botch, Blotch, Splotch: CoBrA (1948 – 1951) Selected Works from the Collection of The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands The CoBrA rebellion emerged in the years after the Second World
On 9th May (Tuesday) at 18:00, the UniArt Gallery of NBU will open the exhibition of Stefka Doncheva Alchemy of Nature. In her 17 panels, the author experiments with an unusual set of materials: agate
The Moser Donation
In October 2021, New Bulgarian University accepted from Dr. Anastasia Moser, a long-time member of the University's Board of Trustees, a generous donation of 30 works of art from her family collection
The artist is a pretentious person who seeks to retell the world to us. They insist on giving us their own version of it. With this, two things happen: it gives us an opportunity to compare our ideas
Freedom Within and Without: Ivan Kirkov and Alzek Misheff
Ivan Kirkov and Alzek Misheff: two artists and friends connected by the subject of freedom, which they both define as one of the most important values in human life. The one – Ivan Kirkov, who r
After hosting Theodore Ushev's master class at New Bulgarian University, UniArt Gallery presents films and posters of the well-established Bulgarian animator and film director. For this purpose, the
PERFORMANCE ART PHOTOGRAPHY Project by Daniela Beltrani, Lilyana Karadjova and Kalina Hristova UniArt Gallery, Sofia, Nov 24-25, 2022 Testaccènto Gallery, Rome, Dec 7-13, 2022 The project

10 years UniArt Gallery THE EXCITEMENT AND JOY OF SHARING – moments with the European Painting Collection of Bojidar Danev
This exhibition is an invitation for a conversation. It presents a collection put together by Bojidar Danev over a period of more than two decades. It is a testimony to his own appreciation, inquiries
A Ready-to-Print Exhibition
Тhe alley in front of the Aula, New Bulgarina University ‘A Ready-to-Print Exhibition’ is a shared project created by Ukrainian artists in the first days of the war and sp
Opening: 21.04.2022, 18:00 ч. wool, wadding, clay, sisal, extruded polystyrene foam Lucid Dreaming is an art installation about human greed, money, power and social commitment. It
Selected Works from the Collection of the International Biennale of Glass
Selected Works from the Collection of the International Biennale of Glass 23 March - 14 April 2022 UniArt Gallery, New Bulgarian University Official opening: 23 March, 6 PM_
ARTCYCLE. 30 Years of Dramatic Art at NBU
ARTCYCLE is an interactive documentary exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the founding of NBU and celebrates one of its first departments – Theatre. It traces and presents the long-
Kalina Taseva: Drawings and Paintings from One Collection
UniArt Gallery has the pleasure of inviting you to the exhibition KALINA TASEVA: Drawings and Paintings from One Collection Opening: 03.06.2021, 17:00h. Duration: 03.06 - 03.08.2021 New Bu
ONTOLOGY: WORDS AND GRAPHITE 11.12.2018 - 11.02.2019 On 11.12.2018, UniArt Gallery will present Boris Hristov and Milko Bozhkov’s bibliographic project. From 17 to 20 o'clock you willThe Destructive Positivism of Milosh Gavazov
The Destructive Positivism of Milosh Gavazov "110th Anniversary of the Artist's Birth" 01.10. - 01.12.2018, UniArt Gallery Exhibition opening: 01.10. (Monday), 5:00 pm
Presentation of the volume "Reforms in Bulgarian Republlic's Security System"
National and International Security Department PRESENTATION of the volume REFORMS IN BULGARIAN REPUBLIC'S SECURITY SYSTEM &n
Kids' University - 24 January
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation Topic: INTRODUCTION TO MONOTYPING 24 January. 10:00 a.m
Lecture by Petar Dikov - Chief Architect of Sofia
Architecture Department LECTURE SOFIA: PAST AND PRESENT - Development of city planning Lecturer: Petar Dikov - Chief Architect of Sof
Seminar "Talks about Bulgarian Culture ad hoc"
Art Studies and History of Culture Department Seminar TALKS ABOUT BULGARIAN CULTURE AD HOC Topic: Everlasting aspects of poli
Kids' University - 17 January
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation Topic: PICASSO'S PORTRAITS 10 January. 10:00 a.
Seminar "Verbal and visual signs during the period of socialism"
Design Department New Bulgarian Studies Department SEMINAR Verbal and visual signs during the period of socialism Lecturer: Assoc. Pro
GLASS MADE documentary presentation and screening
Fine Arts Department Web Studio at New Bulgarian University GLASS MADE documentary film presentation and screening &
Piano recital by Ljudmil Angelov
Musical Arts Department "Leopold Godowsky's Studies on Chopin's Etudes - transfiguration and virtuosity" A PIANO RECITAL by Prof. Ljudmil Ang
Kids' University - 10 January
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation Topic: THE ART OF POSTERS 10 January. 10:00 a.m
Of Charles Hazlewood and his movie "How pop songs work" - a multimedia lecture by prof. Yavor Konov
Musical Arts Department OF CHARLES HAZLEWOOD AND HIS MOVIE "HOW POP SONGS WORK" A multimedia lecture by prof. Yavor Konov Wit
Photography seminar with Ljubomir Sergeev
A Christmas Tale concert
Musical Arts Department presents A CHRISTMAS TALE concert Performed by: Stella Atanasova and Rossitza Becheva 17 Dec
Kids' University - 13 December
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation Topic: CHRISTMAS 13 December. 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery &nb
Kids' University - 8 November
Kids' University NBU Topic: CIRCUS IN ART AND CIRCUS AS ART 22 November. 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery M
Piano concert "Disciple and Maestro"
Musical Arts Department DISCIPLE AND MAESTRO a piano concert by Ljudmil Angelov and his student Konstanca Djulgerova 21 Nove
Seminar "Art, media and techniques in interior design"
Design Department SEMINAR Art, media and techniques in interior design MOISAICS, STAINED GLASS, WALL PAINTING Lecturer: Assoc. Prof.
Multimedia seminar "American theatre"
Theatre Department America for Bulgaria Foundation Art Office Foundation Multimedia Seminar AMERICAN THEATRE Lecturer: Dr.
Night of THEATRE - 2014
University Theatre and UniArt Gallery present NIGHT OF THEATRE 2014 15 November Admission freeSchubertiada
Musical Arts Department SCHUBERTIADA a concert by Orpheus Academy Orchestra Soloists: Prof. Milena Mollova (piano), Prof. Ma
Kids' University - 8 November
Kids' University NBU Topic: IN THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY 8 November. 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery T
Violin concert
Musical Arts Department CONCERT by Lora Ganeva (violin) a student of Prof. Mario Hossen 7 November,
A lecture by Czech artist Milan Krajicek
Fine Arts Department International Festival of Glass LECTURE by Milan Krajicek (Czech Republic) &nb
Concert by Asen & Milena Group
Musical Arts and English Studies Departments CONCERT by ASEN & MILENA GROUP within the frames of the internation
Concert "The Baroque epoch and the guitar"
Musical Arts Department presents THE BAROQUE EPOCH AND THE GUITAR a concert by Neli Nedeva (classical guitar) 29 Octo
Kids' University - 25 October
Kids' University NBU Topic: MY FAVOURITE COMICS HERO 25 October. 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery Comic boo
Countertransference in psychoanalytical theory and practice
Cognitive Science and Psychology Department Bulgarian Psychoanalytic Association PUBLIC LECTURE by Prof. Dr. Robert Hinshelwood &nb
Piano concert
Musical Arts Department PIANO CONCERT by Maria-Desislava Stoycheva a student of prof. Ljudmil Angelov 22 Oc
Concert "The magic of virtuosity"
Musical Arts Department THE MAGIC OF VIRTUOSITY a concert by Orpheus Academy Orchestra Soloists: prof. Milena MollovKids' University - October 18
Kids' University NBU TOPIC: I am a word, make a drawing of me! 18 October, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery This Sa
Yavorov Year of Mourning
New Bulgarian Studies Department YAVOROV YEAR OF MOURNING a commemorative evening on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Yavorov's death
Seminar "World Photography"
Cinema, Advertising and Show Business Department Photo Club of New Bulgarian University Seminar WORLD PHOTOGRAPHY Moderator: Assoc. prof. Di
Public lecture "Therapist, parent, child"
Cognitive Science and Psychology Department Public Lecture THERAPIST, PARENT, CHILD Lecturer: Inna Braneva - psychotherapist
Kids' University - October 11
Kids' University NBU TOPIC: Dreams and fantasies 11 October, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery Painters have paid at
PhD thesis defense
Architecture Department DOCTORAL DISSERTATION PUBLIC DEFENSE Title: Architectural problems of the refunctioning of buildings
Kids' University - October 4
Kids' University NBU TOPIC: Self-portraits 4 October, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery MORE INFORMA
Open Days at UniArt Gallery
OPENING OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2014/2015 OPEN DAYS AT UNIART GALLERY 29 September, 11:00 a.m. New Bulgarian University
12th World Congress of Semiotics
New Bulgarian University Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies NEW SEMIOTICS. BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION 12th World Congress o
Seminar and concert "Spanish piano music of the twentieth century"
Musical Arts Department SPANISH PIANO MUSIC OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Seminar and Concert by Prof. Marisa Blanes and Prof. Luciano Gonzalez Sa
Concert by Orpheus Academy Orchestra
Musical Arts Department CONCERT by Orpheus Academy Orchestra at New Bulgarian University Soloist: Dominique de Williencourt
Doctoral thesis defence
Design and Architecture Departments DOCTORAL THESIS DEFENCE Candidate: Gergana Stefanova Topic: Light in architectural design
Diploma defence for art history students - 15 July
Art Studies and History of Culture Department DIPLOMA DEFENCE for art history students 15 July, 1:00 p.m. UniArt Gal
Kids' University NBU - 28 June
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation TOPIC: My summer 28 June, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery
ONE DESIGN WEEK - a lecture by Dimitar Grigorov
Design Department ONE DESIGN WEEK international festival BIKE DESIGN a public lecture by DIMITAR GRIGOROV within the frames of ONE D
Presentation of the volume "Codes of socialism in post-socialism"
Art Studies and History of Culture Department Publishing Centre Presentation of the volume CODES OF SOCIALISM IN POST-SOCIALISM edited by Natalija Hristova
Kids' University NBU - 21 June
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation TOPIC: Introduction to ceramics 21 June, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery
ONE DESIGN WEEK - a lecture by Horge Perez
Design Department ONE DESIGN WEEK international festival DESIGN FROM THE XX CENTURY VS. DESIGN FROM THE XXI CENTURY a public lecture by HORGE PEREZ
Diploma fashion show
Design Department TEXTILE ECLECTICISM a diploma fashion show by Vesselena Marcheva 20 June, 7:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Diploma defence for art history students
Art Studies and History of Culture Department DIPLOMA DEFENCE for art history students 17 June, 11:00 a.m. UniArt Ga
Diploma defense for Fine Arts students
Fine Arts Department DIPLOMA DEFENCE for BA "Plastic Arts" and MA "Painting" students 16 June, 11:00 a.m. Un
Children's musical holiday at New Bulgarian University - part II
Musical Arts Department CHILDREN'S MUSICAL HOLIDAY A Piano Concert performed by schoolchildren 14 June, 10:00
Kids' University NBU - 14 June
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation TOPIC: Seurat - change of place 14 June, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery
Presentation of the anniversary volume "Language. Science and practice"
English and German Studies Department PRESENTATION of the anniversary volume LANGUAGE. SCIENCE AND PRACTICE in honour of Prof. Maria Grozeva
Children's musical holiday at New Bulgarian University - part I
Musical Arts Department CHILDREN'S MUSICAL HOLIDAY A Piano Concert performed by schoolchildren 11 June, 6:00
Concert "It's De-Lovely"
Musical Arts Department IT'S DE-LOVELY - THE ETERNAL MUSIC A theatrical concert with songs by Cole Porter on the occasion of his 113th birth annivers
Seminar "Culture and Music"
Musical Arts Department Seminar CULTURE AND MUSIC Topic: J. S. Bach - A Passionate Life (on the occasion of Bach's 330-th birth anniversary)
Seminar with Hungarian photographer Janos Eifert
SEMINAR with Hungarian photographer Janos Eifert within the frames of MONTH OF PHOTOGRAPHY 2014 5 June, 11:00 a.m. UniArt Ga
Public lecture by Prof. Violeta Boyanova
Health and Social Work Department BRAIN ASSYMETRY AND CREATIVITY Public academic lecture by Prof. Violeta Boyanova 2
Ceremony of awarding contest winners at the competition "The dream of a student"
Cinema, Advertising and Showbusiness Department Ceremony of awarding contest winners at the competition THE DREAM OF A STUDENT Moderator: Dr. Rumyana
Recital by Mario Hossen and Bruno Canino
Musical Arts Department in collaboration with Romanic Studies and German Studies Department Within the frames of the International Music Festival "Sofia music weeks 20
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE - a lecture by Irina Genova
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE Topic: The art museum today and its audiences Conclusion to the seminar Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Irina Genova &n
Interactive lesson "From slate to tablet PC"
Kids' University NBU in association with "My Museum" Foundation FROM SLATE TO TABLET PC an interactive lesson for students from private school "Svet
Discussion "Stanislavski's system"
Theatre Department NATIONAL ACADEMIC DISCUSSION "Stanislavski's system - approaches to dramaturgy" Moderator: Prof. Violeta D
Diploma defense for photography students
Diploma defense for photography students 20 May, 11:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery
Seminar CULTURE AND MUSIC - May 20
Musical Arts Department Seminar CULTURE AND MUSIC Topic: John Elliott Gardiner's "Cantata pilgrimage" Moderator: Prof. Yavor Konov &
Theatre Department Seminar CONTEMPORARY THEATRE: Names, practices, ideas, politics Topic: Is it all right between us, or which social questions does
European Night of Museums 2014
EUROPEAN NIGHT OF MUSEUMS AT NEW BULGARIAN UNIVERSITY 17 May, Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery and Museum of New Bulgarian University
Kids' University NBU - May 17
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation TOPIC: Ancient Egypt 17 May, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery &nbs
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE - a lecture by Regine Stein
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE Topic: Standards for documenting works of art Presentation and workshop Lecturer: Regine Stein Moderator: Prof. Dr.
Kids' University NBU - 11 May
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation TOPIC: Dance 11 May, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery We iDoctoral Readings 2014
Art Studies and History of Culture Department Art and Visual Studies Doctoral Programme DOCTORAL READINGS 2014 Moderators: Prof. Dr. Irina Genova, Assoc. Pro
Concert by students from Maurizio Torelli's masterclass
Musical Arts Department CONCERT by students from prof. Maurizio Torelli's masterclass in opera singing 3 May
Kids' University NBU - 3 May
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation TOPIC: Animals in art: Dogs 3 May, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery
Piano recital by Vesna Podrug
Musical Arts Department PIANO RECITAL by Vesna Podrug (professor at the University of Arts Vienna) 2 May, 6:
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE - a lecture by Joshua Waterman
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE Topic: Scientific documentation in the art museum Lecturer: Dr. Joshua P. Waterman Moderator: Prof. Dr. Irina Genova
Theatre Department Seminar SHAKESPEARE: VERSIONS Topic: The weak king - Shakespeare's Richard II and Marlowe's Edward II Lecturer: Prof. Violeta Dech
Kids' University NBU - April 26
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation TOPIC: Into the fairytale world of the Romantics 26 April, 10:00 a.m. UniArt
Piano recital
Musical Arts Department PIANO RECITAL by Kuan Hung Lee 25 April, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Concert "Bach and his disciples"
Musical Arts Department Concert BACH AND HIS DISCIPLES Hristo Hristov (flute) Ljudmil Angelov (piano) 24 Ap
Founding meeting of the FRIENDS OF ITALY Club
Romanic Studies and German Studies Department Founding meeting of the club FRIENDS OF ITALY Guest-lecturer: Prof. Giuseppe Dell'Agata Modera
Concert "Sonatas for flute and piano"
Musical Arts Department Concert SONATAS FOR FLUTE AND PIANO Hristo Hristov (flute) Ljudmil Angelov (piano)
Earth Day
On the occasion of the International Earth Day, Kids' University NBU in collaboration with My Museum Foundation will take part in a workshop on recycled materials at Private School "Svetlina".
Seminar "Blurred lines...while looking over the edge"
Design Department Istituto Europeo di Design – Italy SEMINAR Blurred lines....while looking over the edge Lecturer: Arend Roelink Moderator: Assoc. Pro
Theatre Department Seminar SHAKESPEARE: VERSIONS Topic: On Bulgarian translations of Shakespeare Lecturer: Prof. Alexander Shurbanov
Kids' University NBU - April 12
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation TOPIC: Easter 12 April, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery W
Seminar for Erasmus students
SEMINAR Intensive language courses for Erasmus students 11 April, 2:40 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Round table "In Absentia Bulgaria"
Philosophy and Sociology Department New Bulgarian Studies Department ROUND TABLE In Absentia Bulgaria - Georgi Markov's journalism Moderator
Semianar "Gaudi the modernist"
Fine Arts Department SEMINAR Gaudi the modernist Lecturer: Deneb Alonso Moderator: Assoc. prof. Konstantin Valchev
Questions Day (two public lectures)
Philosophy and Sociology Department French Cultural Institute QUESTIONS DAY: FOR BULGARIA AND EUROPE, TODAY AND TOMORROW (Two public lectures)  
Kids' University NBU - April 5
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation TOPIC: A spring promenade in the plum garden of Hiroshige and Van Gogh 5 April, 10:00Thesis defence for Fine Arts students
Thesis defence for BA programme "Plastic arts" and MA programme "Illustration and graphic technology" students 4 April, 11:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE - a lecture by Todor Petev
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE Topic: The idea of participation in American art museums Lecturer: Dr. Todor Petev (My Museum Foundation) Moderator: Prof. D
Seminar with Angelo Purgert
Cinema, Advertising and Show Business Department SEMINAR with Czech photographer Angelo Purgert Moderator: Silvia Ivanova 1
Theatre Department Seminar SHAKESPEARE: VERSIONS Topic: Shakespeare in cinema Lecturer: Prof. Bojidar Manov Moderator: Prof. Violeta DechevaKids' University NBU - March 29
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation TOPIC: Commedia dell'arte 29 March, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery  
Presentation of Konstantin Valchev's monographic study
Publishing Centre at New Bulgarian University, Fine Arts Department, Art Studies and History of Culture Department present Konstantin Valchev's monographic s
Kids' University NBU - March 22
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation TOPIC: First steps in the art of fashion design 22 March, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery
Presentation of Dimitar Yonchev's monography
National and International Security Department PRESENTATION of Prof. Dimitar Yonchev's monography "IN SEARCH OF SECURITY" 19
Lecture "Innovative design"
Design Department at New Bulgarian University CATALANO PUBLIC LECTURE "Innovative design or how design changes the quality of life" Lecturer
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE - a lecture by Maria Vassileva
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE Topic: Carrying out an exhibition - the curator's work today Lecturer: Dr. Maria Vassileva Moderator: Prof. Dr. Irina Genova
Kids' University NBU - March 15
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation TOPIC: How to make a portrait 15 March, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery &Presentation of the volume "Between image and text"
New Bulgarian University Publishing Center presents BETWEEN IMAGE AND TEXT Articles in honour of Assoc. Prof. Ruzha Marinska edited by Angela Daneva
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE - a lecture by Tatyana Dimitrova
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE Topic: Museums for contemporary art in Australia: current practices Lecturer: Dr. Tatyana Dimitrova Moderator: Prof. Dr. Iri
Kids' University NBU - March 8
Kids' University NBU in collaboration with MY MUSEUM Foundation TOPIC: Eighth of March - Women's Day 8 March, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery &nb
Seminar "The privilege to be informed"
Library of New Bulgarian University Bulgarian Information Consortium SEMINAR "The privilege to be informed: new products by Taylor & Francis and Newspaper Direc
Holiday Concert by Simfonietta Sofia
Musical Arts Department HOLIDAY CONCERT by Simfonietta Sofia on the occasion of Republic of Bulgaria's National Holiday Conductor: Svilen Simeonov
Information Day of the Library and the Art Departments
Library of New Bulgarian University Art Studies and History of Culture Department Design and Architecture Departments Theatre Department Fine Arts Department INFOR
Seminar "The artist's creative path"
Fine Arts Department SEMINAR The artist's creative path Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Valchev 24 February, 1:00 p.m. UniArt Ga
Seminar "Theatre director and theatre education"
Theatre Department Seminar THEATRE DIRECTOR AND THEATRE EDUCATION Within the seminar "Contemporary theatre - practices, politics, figures" Le
Kids' University - 22 February
Kids' University NBU Topic: THE MARTENITSA 22 February, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery As spring approaches and right before Marc
Kids' University - 15 February
Kids' University NBU Topic: THE MASK IN RITUAL AND ART, part II Making paper masks 15 February, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery
Concluding concert of the masterclass by Michael Frischenschlager
Musical Arts Department CONCLUDING CONCERT of the violin masterclass by Michael Frischenschlager (Austria) 10 February, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery &n
Kids' University - February 8
Kids' University NBU Topic: YAN BIBIYAN ON THE MOON On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the first edition of Elin Pelin's "Yan Bibiyan on the m
Fritz Kreisler Gala Concert
Musical Arts Department FRITZ KREISLER GALA CONCERT Performed by ORHEUS ACADEMY ORCHESTRA 4 February, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery &nbs
Masterclass by Luc Baghdassarian
Musical Arts Department MASTERCLASS by Luc Baghdassarian - conductor (Switzerland) January 3-4 UniArt Gallery After
Kids' University - February 1
Kids' University NBU Topic: MASK IN ART We are going to learn interesting things about the meaning of the mask and the way it functioned in ritual and a
Diploma defense for glass and ceramics students
Fine Arts Department DIPLOMA DEFENSE for BA "Alternative ceramics and glass" students Scientific advisor: Assoc. Prof. Monika Popova
Recital by Milena Mollova and Mario Carbotta
Musical Arts Department RECITAL by Milena Mollova (piano) and Mario Carbotta (flute) 29 January, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery M
Concert by students of Ljudmil Angelov
CONCERT by piano students of honorary professor Ljudmil Angelov 28 January, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Flute seminar with Mario Carbotta (Italy)
Musical Arts Department FLUTE SEMINAR with Mario Carbotta (Italy) January 27-30 UniArt Gallery Mario Carbotta is a virtuoso flutist and a gr
Kids' University - 25 January
Kids' University NBU Topic: BULGARIAN EMBROIDERY A glimpse into the world of ethnographic art with the motifs and colours of Bulgarian folk embroidery  
Presentation of the book "Science, education, security"
National and International Security Department PRESENTATION of the volume "Science, education, security" (New Bulgarian University Press edition) &n
Concert "Nineteenth-century guitar music"
Musical Arts Department presents NINETEENTH-CENTURY GUITAR MUSIC a concert by Neli Nedeva 22 January, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery &nbs
Kids' University - January 18
Kids' University NBU Topic: THE ART OF ILLUSTRATION What is an illustration? Image and text. How to create an illustration. 18 Janua
Fashion masterclass - concluding presentation
Design Department CONCLUDING PRESENTATION of the fashion masterclass given by Gunda Bornkessel 17 January, 1:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Seminar "We talk about theatre"
Theatre Department Seminar WE TALK ABOUT THEATRE Topic: Contemporary dance Lecturer: Dr. Anna Pampoulova Moderator: Prof. Violeta Detcheva
Seminar with Julide Yalcin
Musical Arts Department SEMINAR with Julide Yalcin (Turkey) - violin 13 and 14 January, 9:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Kids' University - January 11
Kids' University NBU Topic: FOOD IN ART HISTORY The subject of food has always played a major role in the history of art and artists across periods and cultur
BA Thesis defense in Art History
Art Studies and History of Culture Department BA THESIS DEFENSE Candidate: Kristina Spasovska Thesis topic: Video art - development and curatorial practice.
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE - a lecture by Nadezhda Dzhakova
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE Topic: Museums for contemporary art and their audiences - examples from Germany Lecturer: Nadezhda Dzhakova (curator at SAMCA, NGA)
Kids' University - January 4
Kids' University NBU Topic: COLLABORATION IN ART Instances of artists' collaboration can be found in the early modern era but during the 20th century this practice becomes mo
Presentation of prof. Zhivka Vinarova's CD-ROM
Health and Social Work Department Presentation of prof. Zhivka Vinarova's CD-ROM MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS AND PREDICTION 19 December, 5:00 p
Christmas concert "Never ending fairy-tale"
Musical Department presents A Christmas concert "NEVER ENDING FAIRYTALE" Within the frames of the international forum and festival THE UNIVERSE OF COMPUTER MUSIC &
Seminar THE GREAT DESIGNERS - 16 December
Design Department Seminar THE GREAT DESIGNERS Conversations about Bulgarian fashion design with Vassil Vassilev 16 December, 11:30 a.m. Uni
Presentation of Stanislav Stanchev - Stanley's music
Musical Department LET LOVE CARRY US THROUGH SPACE AND TIME Presentation of Stanislav Stanchev – Stanley’s music 12 December, 6:0
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE - a lecture by Natalija Hristova
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE Topic: The artistic second life of power plants Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Natalija Hristova (New Bulgarian University) Moderato
Public lecture by Assoc. Prof. Margarita Stankova
Health and Social Work Department Academic public lecture GENIUS AND MENTAL ILLNESS Lecturer: Assoc. prof. Margarita Stankova-Stoyanova &nbs
A melody across centuries and cultures Part II - a multimedia lecture by Prof. Yavor Konov
A MELODY ACROSS CENTURIES AND CULTURES ( C C G G A A G ) Part II A multimedia lecture by prof. Yavor Konov 10 December, 6:00 p.m. UniArt G
Seminar "Fashion science for sizing and shape"
Design Department Seminar FASHION SCIENCE FOR SIZING AND SHAPE Lecturers: Jennifer Bougourd (London College of Fashion) Andrew Crawford (Sizemic Ltd) Petar Goulev,
Kids' University - 7 December
Kids' University NBU Topic: WINTER Children will learn how to draw winter subjects. 7 December, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery &
Academic meeting with Evgeny Dobrenko
Modern Bulgarian Studies Department An academic meeting with Evgeny Dobrenko Within the frames of the international seminar THE LITERATURES OF THE USSR AND THE PEOPL
Seminar "Staging Chekhov in Moscow"
Theatre Department Seminar STAGING CHEKHOV IN MOSCOW Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Eva Vollitzer 5 December, 5:30 p.m. UniArt Gallery In
Thesis defense for achitecture students
Thesis defense for MA "Architecture" programme students 5 December, 11:30 a.m. UniArt Gallery
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE - lecture by Todor Petev
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE Topic: Art Museums in the United States Lecturer: Todor Todorov Petev Moderator: Prof. Dr. Irina Genova &nb
Presentation of the book "TOURISM AND CULTURAL HERITAGE"
Publishing Center at New Bulgarian University Anthropology and Business Administration Departments Presentation of Sonya Alexieva and Irena Bokova's TOURISM
Theatre Department Seminar CONTEMPORARY THEATRE: Names, practices, ideas, politics Topic: Valentin Ganev on monodrama Lecturer: Valentin Ganev Mode
Opening of the seminar "The literatrures of the USSR and the People's Republic of Bulgaria"
Modern Bulgarian Studies Department Opening of the international seminar THE LITERATURES OF THE USSR AND THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA 2 December
Kids' University - 30 November
Kids' University NBU Topic: INTRODUCTION TO GRAPHIC ARTS Line and form in graphic arts. Major techniques. Examples from the history of art. Making a graphic composi
Recital by Mario Hossen and Milena Mollova
Musical Department presents A RECITAL by prof. Mario Hossen (violin) prof. Milena Mollova (piano) 28 November, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery &nSeminar "Ceramics workshop"
Fine Arts Department Seminar "Ceramics workshop at the brickworks in Cherven Bryag" Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Monika Popova 28 November, 1:00
Discussion meeting with Ivo Danchev
Cinema, Advertising and Show Business Department Photo Club NBU Discussion meeting with Ivo Danchev, artistic director of National Geographic Bulgaria Moder
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE - lecture by Irina Genova
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE Topic: From International Expositions to Museums of Contemporary Art. Art Institute of Chicago and Petit Palais in Paris Lecturer: Prof. Dr.
Seminar SHAKESPEARE: VERSIONS - 25 November
Theatre Department Seminar SHAKESPEARE: VERSIONS Topic: Who is Shakespeare or The secret of the great Phoenix Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Ljudmil Dimitrov Modera
Design Department Seminar THE GREAT DESIGNERS Conversations about Bulgarian fashion design with Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Chernaeva 25 November,
Kids' University - 23 November
Kids' University NBU Topic: COLOURS IN ART Colour properties and colour harmony. Colour mixing and combination. Examples from art history and UniArt's coll
Seminar Interior Design - 22 November
Design Department Seminar ART, TOOLS AND MATERIALS IN INTERIOR DESIGN Lecturer: Khaled Sabra Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Boris Serginov 22 Nove
Presentation of "A short handbook of sociology for economists"
Publishing Center at New Bulgarian University French Institute in Bulgaria Presentation of Guillaume Vallet's A SHORT HANDBOOK OF SOCIOLOGY FOR ECONOMISTS &
Kids' University - 16 November
Kids' University NBU Topic: ANIMALS IN SCULPTURE Talking about animals again. This time the medium is sculpture. Getting familiar with major motifs in the history of art and
Multimedia lecture by prof. Yavor Konov
A MELODY ACROSS CENTURIES AND CULTURES ( C C G G A A G ) A multimedia lecture by prof. Yavor Konov 12 November, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery T
Seminar "Corning Museum of Glass"
Fine Arts Department Seminar CORNING MUSEUM OF GLASS Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Valchev 12 November, 1:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Seminar CONTEMPORARY THEATRE - 11 November
Theatre Department Seminar CONTEMPORARY THEATRE: Names, practices, ideas, politics Topic: Theatre methodologies - Peter Brook Screening and di
Kids' University - 9 November
KIDS' UNIVERSITY NBU Topic: ANIMALS IN ART How do artists represent animals? - from the Renaissance to modern art. Symbolism and hidden meaning - what doesFlute Concert
CONCERT Flute sonatinas of the 20th century Performed by: Ivaylo Vassilev (flute) 21 October, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery In the programme: Darius Mi
Kids' University - 19 October
For next Saturday we have chosen the following topic: PORTRAITS IN AUTUMN COLOURS with an emphasis on modern art (impressionism, fauvism, expressionism) Learning how to rend
Seminar "Origami in design"
Seminar ORIGAMI IN DESIGN Guest-lecturer: Prof. Maria Abando (Escola Superior de Disseny, Palma de Mallorca) Moderator: Assoc. prof. Boris SerginovA public lecture by Lidia Denkova
WHAT IS THE USE OF PHILOSOPHY? a public lecture by Prof. Lidia Denkova 17 October, 4:20 p.m. UniArt Gallery
TRANSEUROPA Festival - Sofia 2013
Transeuropa Anthropology Department at New Bulgarian University Fortress Europe: Migration in focus Screening of documentaries and panel discussion
Kids' University - October 12
Kids' University NBU We proceed with our AUTUMN topic and the making of leaf collage. Each child is requested to bring dry leaves and related items in order to make a favorite composition. &
A concert "Virtuoso music for flute"
VIRTUOSO MUSIC FOR FLUTE a concert by Hristo Hristov (flute) and Mario Angelov (piano) 10 October, Thursday, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery &nbs
Anniversary exhibition by Konstantin Valchev
REFLECTIONS Anniversary exhibition by Konstantin Valchev (glass art) 7-31 October UniArt Gallery Opening on 7 October, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery &
Kids' University - October 5
Kids' University is back after the summer vacation! The topic for 5 October is: AUTUMN / AUTUMN LANDSCAPE Kids will get familiar with landscape painting and its sign
Opening of the academic year 2013/2014
OPENING of the academic year 2013 / 2014 DOORS OPEN DAY at UniArt Gallery September 30, Monday 11:00 a.m.
European Researchers' Night 2013
EUROPEAN RESEARCHERS' NIGHT 2013 Screening of the documentary film A short history of socialist realism directed by Ivan Georgiev - Getz 27 Septembe
Orientation meeting for international students
International Relations Office ORIENTATION MEETING for international and Erasmus students Moderator: Gianfranco Brusaporci September 20, Friday, 10:
Thesis defense for achitecture students
Thesis defense for MA "Architecture" programme students 23 July, 11:30 a.m. UniArt Gallery
Diploma defense for photography students
Diploma defense for photography students 16 July, 2:00-6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Diploma defense for Plastic Arts students
Diploma defense for B.A. programme "Plastic arts" students (atelier "Ceramics and glass") Scientific advisors: Assoc. prof. Konstantin Valchev, Assoc. prof. Monika P
Thesis defense for achitecture students
Thesis defense for MA "Architecture" programme students 9 July, 11:30 a.m. UniArt Gallery
Thesis defense for achitecture students
Thesis defense for MA "Architecture" programme students 8 July, 11:30 a.m. UniArt Gallery
BA thesis defence for art history students
Public defence for Art History students 5 July, 12:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Concert performance of "Figaro's wedding"
Musical Arts Department presents A concert performance of the opera FIGARO'S WEDDING bu Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 28 June, 6:30 p.m. UniArt Gallery
SOFIA DESIGN WEEK - lecture about contemporary design from Israel
SOFIA DESIGN WEEK 2013 CONTEMPORARY DESIGN FROM ISRAEL Lecturer: Ira Rozhavsky Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boris Serginov Sofia Design Week (21 - 30
SOFIA DESIGN WEEK - a workshop with IXDS (Germany)
SOFIA DESIGN WEEK 2013 A WORKSHOP WITH IxDS (Germany) Led by Andre Knoerig (IXDS) Moderator: Assoc. prof. Dr. Boris Serginov
Thesis defence for Fine Arts students
Thesis defence for BA programme "Plastic arts" and MA programme "Painting" students 20 June, 11:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery
A SAGA OF LOVE - diploma recital of Yana Kamenova
Musical Arts Department presents: A SAGA OF LOVE Diploma recital of Yana Kamenova A theatrical-musical-poetical performance based on Kurt Weill and Bertold
French flute music of the Belle Epoque
CONCERT French flute music of the Belle Epoque and its influence on European music culture Performed by: Ivaylo Vassilev (flute) and Maria Zavarinova (piano)
Kids University exhibition
Exhibition of children's drawings at NBU KIDS UNIVERSITY 18 June, 6:00 p.m. Art Centre Every Saturday, UniArt Gallery organizes NBU KIDS UNIVERSITY for chil
Concert performance of "Figaro's wedding"
Musical Arts Department presents A concert performance of the opera FIGARO'S WEDDING bu Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 18 June, 6:30 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Concert performance of "Figaro's wedding"
Musical Arts Department presents A concert performance of the opera FIGARO'S WEDDING bu Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 17 June, 6:30 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Thesis defense in Cinema and Television
THESIS DEFENSE Cinema and Television 11 June, 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Theatre Department Seminar CONTEMPORARY THEATRE: Names, practices, ideas, politics Topic: Theatre of the twenty-first century. Theatre in Berlin, pt. III Mo
Seminar "Contemporary conceptual photography from Belgium"
Seminar Contemporary conceptual photography from Belgium Participants: Belgian artists Valentina Fernandes, Katherine Longly, Corinne Lecot, Pablo Avendano Moderator: Assoc. prof. Dinamir
Post-seminar "Rousse - Veliko Tarnovo 16-18 May 2013"
Post-seminar "Rousse - Veliko Tarnovo 16-18 May 2013" Moderators: Prof. Irina Genova, Assoc. Prof. Natalia Hristova Participants: students from programs at the Art Studies and Histo
Festival / Competition "On the wings of music"
Musical Department Union of Bulgarian Musicians and Dancers Festival / Competition ON THE WINGS OF MUSIC 1 and 2 June, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery  
Seminar "Voices and words of protest"
Design, Architecture and New Bulgarian Studies departments Seminar Voices and words of protest: the documentary "Lord Bundy from Sofia" May 31, Friday, 2:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Presentation of the book "The stranger and everyday life"
Philosophy and Sociology Department Presentation of the volume THE STRANGER AND EVERYDAY LIFE dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Prof. Kolyo Kolev Moderat
Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE - lecture by Magdalena Radomska

Seminar THE VISUAL IMAGE - lecture by Filip Lipinski

Presentation of the book "From the era of ideology to the era of politics" by Slobodan Milacic
Presentation of the book FROM THE ERA OF IDEOLOGY TO THE ERA OF POLITICS by Slobodan Milacic Moderator: Prof. Antoniy Todorov 30 May, 6:30 p.m. UniArt Gall
Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM Topic: SOCMUS - a virtual museum of Bulgarian graphic design from the socialist era Lecturer: Nikola Mihov Moderato
Theatre Department Seminar CONTEMPORARY THEATRE: Names, practices, ideas, politics Topic: Theatre of the twenty-first century. Theatre in Berlin, pt. II Moderator:
Chamber concert
CHAMBER CONCERT by Milena Mollova (piano) Mario Hossen (violin) Martina Schucan (cello) Viktor Kosyanenko (viola) 22 May, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery In the
Seminar EUROPEAN PAINTING AT UNIART GALLERY - lecture by Irina Genova
Seminar EUROPEAN PAINTING AT UNIART GALLERY Within "The Visual Image" Topic: The portrait collection. Images and characters Lecturer and moderator: Prof. Dr. Irina G
Presentation of the volume "Doctoral readings 2012"
Art Studies and History of Culture Department PRESENTATION of the volume "Doctoral Readings 2012" Moderator: Prof. Dr. Irina Genova 21 May, 5:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Workshop with Martina Schucan
WORKSHOP with Swiss cellist Martina Schucan 20 to 23 May, UniArt Gallery Martina Schucan is a distinguished cellist and professor at the Zurich University of the Arts. As a
Presentation of two collective volumes published by German and Roman studies Department
PRESENTATION of two collective volumes published by German and Roman studies Department Moderator: Ass. Dr. Magdalena Karadjunkova 20 May, 4:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Concert by students of Ljudmil Angelov
CONCERT by piano students of Ljudmil Angelov 20 May, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
"Christian anthropology of music" - a lecture by Vyacheslav Medushevsky
CHRISTIAN ANTHROPOLOGY OF MUSIC A lecture by Prof. Vyacheslav Medushevsky (Moscow conservatory P.I.Tchaikovsky) 16 May, 11:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery V
Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM - lecture by Iliyana Marcheva
Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM Topic: Town and citizens: socialist industrialization in the contemporary museum Lecturer: Assoc. prof. Dr. Iliyana marcheva (InstituKids' University 11 may
The art classes on 11 May will have as its topic AN INTRODUCTION TO SCULPTURE We will take a closer look at the sculptural collection at UniArt and visit the workshops of the Centre
Seminar "Illumination in interior design, architecture and the visual arts"
Design and Architecture departments Seminar "Illumination in interior design, architecture and the visual arts" Moderators: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boris Serginov, architect Gergana Stefano
Flute concert
Musical Department presents FLUTE CONCERT by prof. Lydia Oshavkova and Ivaylo Vassilev, Eremira Chitaku (doctoral students at NBU) 9 May, 6:30 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Theatre Department Seminar CONTEMPORARY THEATRE: Names, practices, ideas, politics Topic: Screening and discussion of the documentary "Peter Brook: The Tightrope" Guest-lecturer: p
CONCERT "21 nocturnes for piano" by Dimitar Hristov
Musical Department presents CONCERT "21 nocturnes for piano" by Dimitar Hristov (honorary professor of New Bulgarian University) on the occasion of the composer's 80th anniversary
Kids' University - April 27
The topic for April 27 will be: HOW TO PAINT BUILDINGS An introduction to architectural painting and lessons on how to draw buildings. 27 April, 10:00 a.m. UniArt
Seminar "Textile and textile design for interiors"
Design and Architecture departments Seminar "Textile and textile design for interiors" Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boris Serginov 26 April, 2:00 p.m. UniArt
THE SECRETS OF LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY - a lecture by Tzoncho Balkandjiev
Cinema, Advertising and Show Business Department Photo Club NBU THE SECRETS OF LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY a lecture by Tzoncho Balkandjiev Within "Photo Club NBU Week"Diploma defense in Artistic Glass
Fine Arts Department Diploma defense in Artistic Glass Graduating student: Borislava Kirilova Scientific advisor: Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Valchev 24 April, 4:00 p.m
Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM - lecture by Gergana Doncheva
Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM Topic: Memory of the communist era as constructed in new Bulgarian and post-Yugoslavian cinema (1990-2011) Lecturer: Dr. Gergana Donc
Students' photography projects
Cinema, Advertising and Show Business Department Photo Club NBU Presentation and discussion of students' photography projects Within "Photo Club NBU Week" April 23
Theatre Department Seminar SHAKESPEARE: VERSIONS Topic: What is it to be Hamlet and play Frankenstein Lecturer: Leonid Yovchev Moderator: Prof. Violeta Decheva 22
Kids' University - April 20
The topic for 20 April is: COMICS. Introducing the origins and development of comics, most popular characters and stories, and learning how to make a small comics of our own.
Seminar "Images of the party chief in the arts"
Design, Architecture and New Bulgarian Studies departments Seminar Images of the party chief in the arts April 19, Friady, 2:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Presentation of the monography "Biomass, biogas, biosludge in the energetics of anthropogenic ecosystems"
Earth Sciences Department PRESENTATION of the monography Biomass, biogas, biosludge in the energetics of anthropogenic ecosystems by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Botio Zaharinov
Seminar EUROPEAN PAINTING AT UNIART GALLERY - lecture by Emil Chushev
Seminar EUROPEAN PAINTING AT UNIART GALLERY Within "The Visual Image" Topic: Frames in the collection Lecturer: Emil Chushev Moderator: Prof. Dr. Irina Genova &nbs
Theatre Department Seminar CONTEMPORARY THEATRE: Names, practices, ideas, politics Topic: Competitive communication Lecturer: Simeon Apostolov (Director of Pro sale Academy)  
Seminar "Materials in art, design and architecture"
Design and Architecture departments Seminar Materials in art, design and architecture Topic: Materials in the exterior and interior design: mosaics, stained galss, wall-painting Lecturer:
Presentation of the book "Introduction to Plato's vocabulary"
Publishing Centre at New Bulgarian University Presentation of the book Introduction to Plato's vocabulary by Gregorio Luri Prof. Luri will deliver the academic lecture "Leo Straus
LAVARAYAHA - a concert by Irina-Kalina Goudeva
Musical Department LAVARAYAHA a concert / mono spectacle / seminar by Irina-Kalina Goudeva (double bass and voice) A theatrical interpretation of contemporary Danish and Bulgarian
Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM Topic: Literary museum of People's Republic of Bulgaria Lecturer: Assoc. prof. Plamen Doynov (New Bulgarian University) &nbs
Theatre Department Seminar CONTEMPORARY THEATRE: Names, practices, ideas, politics Topic: Theatricality and performance Lecturer: Demna Dimitrova Moderator: Prof. Violeta
Kids' University - April 6
This Saturday the art classes will focus on DANCERS IN ART Children will be shown basic dance movements after which they will learn about depictions of dancing in art (especially the
Presentation of books - April 3
Healthcare and Social Work Department presents its recent publications (published by New Bulgarian University) 9 April, 5:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Theatre Department Seminar SHAKESPEARE: VERSIONS Topic: Shakespeare's "Hamlet" at "Ivan Vazov" National Theatre Lecturer: Dr. Dimitar Bojkov Moderator: Prof. Violeta Dechev
Lecture by Karolien de Clippel (Utrecht University)
Lecture by Assoc. Prof. Karolien de Clippel (Utrecht University) Artistic exchanges in the Low Countries during the seventeenth century March 29, Friday, 4:20 p.m. UniArt Gallery &
Seminar EUROPEAN PAINTING AT UNIART GALLERY - lecture by Karolien de Clippel
Seminar EUROPEAN PAINTING AT UNIART GALLERY Within "The Visual Image" Topic: Allegorical series in seventeenth-century Dutch painting Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Karolien De Clippel (Utrecht Uni
Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM Topic: Totalitarian art and socialist art: a comparative analysis Lecturer: Prof. Chavdar Popov (National Academy of Art) &n
Theatre Department Seminar SHAKESPEARE: VERSIONS Topic: "Die Hamletmaschine" by Heiner Mueller Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Snejina Petrova Moderator: Prof. Violeta Decheva &nbs
Kids' University - March 23
After cubism and collage technique, we proceed with yet another "-ism" from the history of art: SURREALISM We will talk about dreams and the fantastic and discuss artists like Miro, Magritte
Concert by ORPHEUS Academy Orchestra
CONCERT by ORPHEUS Academy Orchestra March 21, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery Featuring: Mario Hossen - conductor and soloist Milena Mollova (piano) - soloist In the programme
Fine Arts Department Seminar THE UNFAMILIAR AFRICAN GLASS and the artistic glass factory MAURITIUS GLASS GALLERY Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Valchev M
Defence of diploma theses in Cinema and Television
DEFENCE of diploma theses in Cinema and Television 19 March, 1:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Concert by students of Mario Hossen
CONCERT by students of prof. Mario Hossen March 18, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery In the programme: MOZART - Violin concertos n. 3, 4, 5
Kids' University - March 16
After getting familiar with cubism, we proceed with a technique, first used by Picasso: COLLAGE. When employing this technique, artists use materials and objects (e.g. cuttings from newspapers) that t
ANTOINE WATTEAU - a multimedia lecture by Yavor Konov
ANTOINE WATTEAU - Life and work A multimedia lecture with piano recital By Prof. Yavor Konov March 14, Thursday, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Presentation of the book "Psychology of communism"
Political Science Department Philosophy and Sociology Department The Publishing House of New Bulgarian University PRESENTATION of the book PSYCHOLOGY OF COMMUNISM by prof. Assen Ignatow (1Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM
Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM Topic: Postsocialism as rapid social change Lecturer: Prof. Milena Benovska (New Bulgarian University) Moderator: As
Kids' University - March 9
Topic: CUBISM IN ART Modern art of the twentieth century started with cubism. Refusing to imitate nature, cubist painters broke the object into geometric shapes. &nbs
Presentation of the book series "What does it mean?"
The Publishing House of New Bulgarian University presents The book series "What does it mean?" March 8, 5:30 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Seminar EUROPEAN PAINTING AT UNIART GALLERY - lecture by Mladost Vulkova
Seminar EUROPEAN PAINTING AT UNIART GALLERY Within "The Visual Image" Topic: Seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish painting – features and techniques Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Mladost Vu
Kids' University - March 2
Our topic for 2 March is: DRAWING THE HUMAN FIGURE Human anatomy for artists. Leonardo da Vinci. Body proportions. Rendering the human figure. March 2, 10:00 a.m.
Kids' University - February 23
Our topic for next Saturday is: STILL LIFE We learn about the features of the genre and its historical development (seventeenth century dutch art, later artists such as Gauguin and C
Piano concert - February 18
PIANO CONCERT February 18, Monday UniArt Gallery 17:00 - performance by participants in prof. Milena Mollova's workshop. Certificate awarding. 18:30 - performance by Kyung
Concert by students of Ljudmil Angelov
CONCERT by piano students of Ljudmil Angelov 11 February, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Kids' University - February 9
Topic: POINTILLISM IN ART Seurat, Signac and the pointillist technique. Children will paint in color dots. 9 february, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery M
Concert by Günter Pichler and Orpheus Academy Orchestra
CONCERT by Günter Pichler and Orpheus Academy Orchestra February 7, 6:00 p.m., UniArt Gallery In the programme: Tchaikovsky - Serenade for strings Schoenberg - Verk
Workshop with Günter Pichler
WORKSHOP with Austrian violinist Günter Pichler February 4- 7, 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery Günter Pichler is best known as the founder and first violini
Kids' University - February 2
Topic: COLOURS IN ART The visible spectrum. Colours and painting. Abstract painting. 2 february, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery MORE INFORMATION
Kids' University - January 26
Topic: ROMANTICISM IN ART Nature and the sublime. Oriental motifs. Battle scenes. Depiction of horses. 26 January, 10:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery MORE INFORMATION
Concert by Luisa Sello and Milena Mollova
CONCERT by Luisa Sello (italy), flute, and Milena Mollova, piano January 25, 6:00 p.m. UniArt GallerySeminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM - lecture by Irina Genova
Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM Topic: The visual image of "socialism" in the museum after "socialism" Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Irina Genova (New Bulgarian University) &
Master Class by Luisa Sello (Italy)
MASTER CLASS by Luisa Sello (Italy) - flute 20 - 25 January, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. UniArt Gallery Luisa Sello is one of the most surprising personalities of contemporary art, an
Kids' University - January 19
This Saturday our topic is: FAIRYTALE SUBJECTS IN ART Looking at Pre-raphaelite painting. January 19 10:00 - 12:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery MORE INFORM
FRANCOIS COUPERIN THE GREAT - a multimedia lecture by Yavor Konov
FRANCOIS COUPERIN THE GREAT – Life and work A multimedia lecture with piano recital By Prof. Yavor Konov January 17, Thursday, 6:00 p.m. UniArt GalleryKids' University - January 12
The Kids' University resumes its activities after the Holidays with the following topic: PHOTOGRAPHY and Camera Obscura First steps in photography. January 12, Saturday, 10:
CONCERT by Mario Hossen and Ljudmil Angelov
CONCERT by Mario Hossen and Ljudmil Angelov January 11, Friday, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery In the programme: Mozart, Paganini, Cesar Franck.
Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM - lecture by Svetla Kazalarska
Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM Topic: Normalization, demonization and disneyfication of communism in the Museum of GDR (Berlin), the House of Terror (Budapest) and the Museu
Workshop with Takashi Shimizu
WORKSHOP with Japanese violinist TAKASHI SHIMIZU January 9, Wednesday, 12:00 - 15:00 UniArt Gallery
Seminar EUROPEAN PAINTING AT UNIART GALLERY Within "The Visual Image" Topic: Picture and print. Itinerant images during the 17th and 18th centuries. Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Dora Kamenova &nPresentation of the book "Sratzimirovtzi Dynasty"
Presentation of the book SRATZIMIROVTZI DYNASTY by chief assistant dr. Petar Nikolov (published by New Bulgarian University) Moderators: prof. Evgenija Ivanova, assoc.prof. Tzvetana Cholov
Pictures, history, music - a multimedia performance by Yavor Konov
PICTURES, HISTORY, MUSIC A multimedia fairytale with piano recital by Prof. Yavor Konov December 17, Monday, 5:30 p.m. UniArt Gallery Featuring works by Scarlatti, Bach, R
Concert dedicated to Parashkev Hadjiev
CONCERT 100th anniversary of the birth of composer Parashkev Hadjiev December 15, Saturday, 12:00 a.m. UniArt Gallery In the programme: songs and arias from operas
Kids' University - December 15
Topic: ROCOCO style. Rococo interiors. Fetes galantes.
Concert by Simo Lazarov
Concert PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION Within the international forum and festival THE UNIVERSE OF COMPUTER MUSIC December 14, Friday, 5:30 p.m. UniArt Gallery Performed by: s
Christmas Concert MASTERPIECES OF BAROQUE MUSIC Prof. Mario Hossen and Orpheus Academy Orchestra December 13, Thursday, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Seminar EUROPEAN PAINTING AT UNIART GALLERY Within "The Visual Image" Topic: Genre scenes in seventeenth-century Dutch painting Lecturer: Dr. Vasil Markov December 12, Wednesday, 6
Presenetation of Sonja Hinkova's new book
Political Sciences Department Publishing Center NBU Presentation of Assoc. Prof. Sonja Hinkova's book DIPLOMACY AND POLITICS in Metternich and Realpolitik international systems &n
Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POSTSOCIALISM Topic: DIY Museum of Socialism Lecturer: Dr. Rossitza Gencheva (New Bulgarian University) Moderator: Assoc. prof. Natalija Hristova
Defence of diploma theses in Cinema and Television
DEFENCE of diploma theses in Cinema and Television 11 December, 10:0 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Defence of diploma theses in photography
Defence of diploma theses in photography Cinema, Advertising and Show Business Department 10 December, 2:00-5:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery
Kids' University - December 8
For December 8, the Students' holiday, our topic is: GENRE SCENES IN SEVENTEENTH CENTURY DUTCH PAINTING Interior scenes. Musicians. Merry companies. Peasant festivities.
Concert by Marco Tezza
CONCERT by prof. Marco Tezza Conservatory "Pedrollo", Vicenza CLAUDE DEBUSSY - Piano preludes 3 December, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery Marco Tezza was born i
Kids' University - December 1
Our topic is "BAROQUE GARDENS". Children are going to learn about nature and make drawings of flowers and gardens.
Richard Strauss Concert
CONCERT Richard Strauss (1864-1949). On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth. First integral performance of Richard Strauss' solo works for horn. Performed by:
Seminar “European Painting at UniArt Gallery”
Seminar “European Painting at UniArt Gallery” within “The visual image” seminar Topic: “Bible scenes in the collections of UniArt. Copy and original”. LeSeminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POST-SOCIALISM: a lecture by Svetla Dimitrova
Seminar SOCIALISM IN THE MUSEUM OF POST-SOCIALISM Topic: Specificity of the regional interpretation of Bulgarian socialism and post-socialism Lecturer: Assoc.Prof. Svetla Dimitrova (Regional
UniArt Gallery presents New acquisitions in itsEUROPEAN ART COLLECTION (XVI–XIX century) and the catalogueMODERN BULGARIAN SCULPTUREBOZHIDAR DANEV'S COLLECTION 23 No
Seminar "Socialism in the museum of postsocialism"
Art Studies and History of Culture Department Scientific and research seminar "Socialism in the museum of postsocialism" THE MISSING MUSEUM OF BULGARIAN SOCIALISM AND POSTSOCIALISM
Presentation of "Autobiography" by Franco Zeffirelli
Roman and German Studies Department Musical Arts Department in association with Italian Cultural Institute present AUTOBIOGRAPHY by Franco Zeffirelli Colibri Publishing House &nb
Orpheus Academy Orchestra Concert
CONCERT by ORPHEUS Academy Orchestra Friday, October 12, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery In the programme: Mozart - Klavierkonzert n. 13 KV 415 (soloist: prof. Milena Mollova) Tchaikovs
Summer Art School for Kids
UniArt Gallery is pleased to announce the start of an Art School for Kids at the beginning of September. Invited are all parents who’d like their kids to have fun in a pleasant atmosphere, to de
Baroque and Romantic Concert
NEW BULGARIAN UNIVERSITY Orpheus Academy Orchestra present Expression in sound and color Baroque and Romantic Milena Mollova - soloist Mario Hossen - soloist and conductoPost-seminar "Contemporary art and culture - Istanbul"
Post-seminar Contemporary art and culture - Istanbul Within the project “Contemporary art and culture in Southeast Europe” Moderators: Prof. Irina Genova, Doc. Natalia Hristova
Presentation of Prof. Antoni Todorov's book
PRESENTATION of Prof. Antoni Todorov's book ELEMENTS OF POLITICS A treatise on the political (published by NBU) Tuesday, June 19, 4:30 p.m. UniArt Gallery Modera
German Chamber Music Concert
NEW BULGARIAN UNIVERSITY Musical Arts Department, Centre for Continuing Education, UniArt Gallery present GERMAN CHAMBER MUSIC FOR FLUTE AND PIANO performed by Eremira Chitaku and
Dragana Moles concert
Musical sketches and portraits A concert by Dragana Moles (soprano) Musical Arts Department at New Bulgarian University Tuesday, June 5, 6:00 p.m. UniArt Gallery In the programme:
Concert by students of Prof. Ludmil Angelov
Concert by students of Prof. Ludmil Angelov An evening of piano music Friday, June 1, 6:30 p.m. UniArt Gallery