Project by
Daniela Beltrani, Lilyana Karadjova and Kalina Hristova
UniArt Gallery, Sofia, Nov 24-25, 2022
Testaccènto Gallery, Rome, Dec 7-13, 2022
The project is supported by
Central Fund for Strategic Development and Student Council of
New Bulgarian University
Performance art photography is a little-known type of photography, that originated out of the impetus and urgency to document this ephemeral art form in an almost simultaneous manner, whilst it is unfolding. Over the years, photography has become the most impactful way to communicate the most poetic or significant moments of a performance, which is simply unique and unrepeatable, as it exists in a determined time and space.
The project PERFORMANCE ART PHOTOGRAPHY aims at introducing the students in BA "Photography", BA "Visual Arts" and MA "Photographic Art" of New Bulgarian University to performance art and its close relationship with photography, and involving them in a multilayered study and constructed experience of both.
Upon the invitation of Lilyana Karadjova, performance artist Daniela Beltrani will present:
· Artist talk, where she will introduce her 11-year strong career and continuous artistic research (24 November 2022, 18:00 h);
· Performance Per speculum (24 November 2022, 18:30 – 19:00 h).
· Workshop, where participants will prepare and experience performance art in relation to photography and have the opportunity to offer an impromptu presentation (25 November 2022, 17:30 – 18:00 h).
The photographic works of the workshop participants will be displayed in a group exhibition at Testaccènto Gallery in Rome (7 – 13 December 2022) curated jointly by Lilyana Karadjova, Kalina Hristova and Daniela Beltrani.
“My performances are often distillations from life experiences, reflections, ideas, images recovered from dreams, zazen sessions or brain in alpha waves.
In my latest series, From Human Doing to Human Being, I explore mundane actions and materials in order to dilate and inhabit the present moment through awareness of breath, with the intention of revealing life’s ubiquitous and mysterious poetry.
In the performance, I will present for UniArt Gallery, Per speculum, looking at oneself in a mirror can reveal our indelible imperfections, but looking at others through the mirror can free us from an imposed and impossible ideal world and allow us to see our beauty in and through others’ interconnected presence, without any filter.”
Daniela Beltrani
18 November 2022
Daniela Beltrani is a performance artist based in Rome.
She holds a Master of Arts in Contemporary Asian Art Histories, a Master in Management for the Valorisation of the Cultural Heritage, two Yoga Instructor Certificates and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology.
Since 2010 Daniela has curated exhibitions, organised art events, contributed articles for art publications, and catalogues with a focus on contemporary art in Southeast Asia, and performance art. Her projects have received financial support from Singapore International Foundation, National Arts Council and Artsfund of Singapore.
She has participated in many art projects, exhibitions, festivals and residencies worldwide. She also travels extensively, having brought over 150 performances to Italy, the Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar, Cambodia, Turkey, Indonesia, Finland, China, Malaysia, India, Mexico, Iran, Serbia and Bulgaria.